THE SOULMATE EQUATION by Christina Lauren: Book Review

Jessica being the one initially feeling comparatively unsure about the equation towards the end, realized that:
“destiny could also be a choice, to believe or not, to be vulnerable or not, to go all in or not.”
(And, this was the only fact certifying River’s unexpected admission in Jessica’s life, Jessica unwillingly falling for him, and ultimately wanting him to stay forever despite the disclosure of the 98 scores of DNA being falsified.)

The 48 Laws of Power: Book summary by Farheen Dhanjal

Power is endlessly seductive and deceptive in its own way. Do not be frivolous with such a critical matter. The gods of power frown on the frivolous; they give ultimate satisfaction only to those who study and reflect, and punish those who skim the surfaces looking for a good time.

DO EPIC SHIT by Ankur Warikoo : Book summary by Farheen Dhanjal

If on any day you find yourself saying
‘I needed to hear this today’
This book is not going to be a revelation. It is meant to be a reminder. A reminder of how life happens to all of us, in a similar yet unequal fashion.
This book is not going to say something new. It is meant to put words to your thoughts. Thoughts that we all feel, repeatedly, but rarely stop to make sense of.
This book is not going to change your life. It is meant to make you more aware. So that you make choices in life from a state of awareness and not ignorance.

Book summary: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson

Growth is an endlessly iterative process. When we learn something new, we don’t go from “wrong” to “right”. Rather, we go from wrong to slightly less wrong to slightly less wrong than that, then to even less wrong than that, and so on. We are always in the process of approaching truth and perfection without actually ever reaching truth or perfection.

Book summary: THE UNIVERSE HAS YOUR BACK by Gabrielle Bernstein

The practice of being on a spiritual path isn’t about being the best mediator, or kindest person, or the most enlightened. The practice is about surrendering to love as often as possible.

Book summary: WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? by Spencer Johnson

You would learn how to anticipate, adapt to and enjoy change and be ready to change quickly whenever you need to. What if we choose that we all share the common narrative to find our ways in life to succeed in changing times?

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